Article: How do you make sure of the quality of the wood?

How do you make sure of the quality of the wood?
How do you know if the wood you are buying is of high quality or not?
The first thing to do is press it with your hand from the inside and outside, and if you feel that it is brown or has gaps, then the wood is not good.
If you find that the wood has many fine lines and its color is close to red, then it is good wood
If you find that the wood has an outer veneer, be careful because it may be broken and the veneer is broken
To manage it
If you find wooden joints with staples, glue, and a lot of nails, this probably means ●
The wood is not in very good condition
These are some ways to know if wood is in good condition or not. Tell us if you know other ways to check the quality of wood?